New Zealand Skilled Worker Visa

New Zealand has been effectively promising gifted movement for a long time to battle abnormal amounts of displacement among local New Zealanders. New Zealand’s requirement for worldwide laborers with pro aptitudes was exacerbated by the Christchurch tremor of 2011. The legislature has chosen to modify the city which will make a lot a larger number of employments than local New Zealanders can fill.

Regardless of whether you wish to visit, work, or concentrate in New Zealand our authority group of migration specialists can assist you with balanced guidance, data, and portrayal when applying for your New Zealand Skilled worker visa or work license.

Who needs a visa

  • have a job offer from a New Zealand employer
  • are coming for a specific work-related purpose or event
  • have a partner here, and you want to join them and work
  • are from a country that has a special work scheme, or
  • have been studying here and want work here.

Some work visas can also lead to residence — that is, the right to live, study and work here indefinitely. To apply you need abilities, experience and capabilities that are required for the New Zealand workforce.


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Our professionals see what others don’t, challenge ordinary thinking, and consistently deliver innovative solutions.

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Our capabilities and cognitive capital are enhanced by our deep industry expertise and hands-on, collaborative approach.

Platinum Immigrations is a main movement arrangement firm in Dubai, UAE